Saturday, March 5, 2011

Wikis, Socialbookmarking and Voice Thread

Since I have not yet taught in a classroom nor do I know what type of class I will have it is hard to say exactly how I will use wikis and blogs or even technology in my classroom.  My goal is to work in either a resource room setting, with child that have severe learning disabilities or even in a life skill/vocational setting.  I may explore wikis with my students in order for them to learn how to build onto a subject together as a class and not only work on a subject individually.  This may teach them to listen and respond to another student’s ideas and thoughts.  This would be a great way to teach team building and working together.  Blogging has many different possibilities.  It may be a great what to have student’s journal.  They do not have to be too personal but it would be a great form of expression.  Simple blog questions could be; what did you do this weekend for fun, did you like the rain storm on Wednesday evening, or even ask was the subject matter hard to learn in class today.  This can open up doors for students to express themselves and may even remove some of the emotional tension that can occur.

Socialbookmarking will be very useful for me as a teacher.  This will give me the availability to bookmark and access it from any computer.  Now as far as using it for a class, yes this would be good for them as would be great for the class to be able to assist each other with sites they have found and share them.  VoiceThread is interesting.  I think it can be used many different ways for various activities and to teach using different skill set depending on the student.  It can be used for student to add voice to a project or for me to read along for a book assignment.

Again, I am not sure of the setting I will have for my class nor the severity of a disability I may be working with but I know I will adapt my lessons for the students and utilize as much technology as I can.
I have looked over Tapped In a little but have not yet explored enough.  I think that it would be very beneficial to speak with other teachers from all over.  There are so many new techniques to explore in teaching and being able to share successful ideas would be terrific.  Sometimes school districts have one set idea of how a lesson plan should go but being able to explore new ideas outside of your area creates a whole new approach on teaching.  Also, students can work with others students from all over on various topics.  It can be a very beneficial site to use once I am teaching

D. Jonasses, J. Howland, R. Marra & D. Crismond. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

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