Friday, March 25, 2011


Podcasting is not something new to me.  A few of my friends have told me about podcasting used for classes.  I have not participated in creating a podcast nor subscribed/listened to any.  Podcasting would be beneficially for a special education class.  This would be a good way for a teacher to go over class material, explain the homework/assignment and give examples.  The students could assess the podcast giving them the chance to rehear the assignments and go over material.  Also, podcasting would be a great way for students that have a hard time writing or speaking in front of the class to be able to give their presentation/assignment in a creative way.
          Podcasting is similar to other Web 2.0 applications in that it is a great means of getting/gathering information for free on the internet.  It is unique in that you are creating an audio and/or video informational system rather than just words.  Voicethread does use audio but it is not available to be downloaded to a portable device such as Podcasting.  Web 2.0 applications are giving educators and students opportunities to create interesting and exciting ways to learn and gather information.
          I do own an iPod and have to be honest and say that I have not updated my music on it since I moved from North Carolina to El Paso, Texas 2 ½ years ago.  I have 2 ½ year old pictures on my iPod but nothing updated.  Most of the time I would use my iPod to listen to music while bicycle riding or in my car.  I would consider using podcasting in my classroom if I found it would be beneficial to my students.  The advantages would be giving the students access to information they have already learned in class and being able to go over this information again as needed.  The only disadvantage is if there are students that do not do well with focusing on audio versions of class work.  Not all students learn the same way and I would incorporate podcasting as a way to benefit those that might need more of an audio/visual aid but not penalize those that did not do well with it.  It would not be required but only be an added benefit for those needing it.


  1. I agree the aspect being able to help a slow reader or a student with other learning issues would make pod casting a great tool.

  2. At the school I work at the special education unit uses a lot of technology. I almost think they use the most technology in our whole school. These students are learning to manipulate the technology and learn from it. I saw how engaged this one student was when he was working with the ipad. I wonder if they use podcasting in their classroom. If not I might suggest it.


Sand Angel by Natalie