Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Assessment and E-portfolio

Assessment activities are a way to find out what a student has learned.  This is an assessment of how they can either answer questions such as with a standardized test related to the lesson or actually be able to put together a task directly related to what they learned.  Many teachers/instructors use a grading system or rubric to assess/grade learner/student.  This can be a better way of giving feedback to the learner/student by incorporating a grading system breaking down and identifying important parts of the lesson and performance.  The student can see areas of their performance that may have been lacking and may need some additional information/study in order to better understand what they should have taken away from the lesson.

An electronic portfolio or e-portfolio is a way for students to keep a digitized file/artifact of their work which can be a progressive performance profile, a demonstration of works, or just a collection of work performed by the student to show their abilities and/or progress.  It is a good way for the teacher and/or student to maintain a collection of their work and be able to review their work and self reflect.  Computer-based tests are testing assessment taking by students on the computer using either a bubble sheet or scan sheet.  This testing has a good grade turnaround time for teachers but it does not necessarily stimulate the students.  The students answer questions by choosing an answer and not giving a lot of feedback.  Students need to be stimulated and their assessments used to make modifications in needed in certain areas.

Assessments are important for both students and teachers in order to see how well the lessons/information is being learned and processed by students.  It also allows the teacher to assess how their lesson plans are educating the students.  Maintaining an e-portfolio is a great tool for students to maintain a digital record of their learning growth over time.

D. Jonasses, J. Howland, R. Marra & D. Crismond. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.


  1. Personally, I am a fan of e-portfolios. I think they are a great way for students to show their work and what they have learned over the course of the class. I thought this was a great chapter. It opened my eyes to a lot of new things. I never knew there were so many criteria or ways to make a rubric. :)

  2. The e-portfolio is new to me but very interesting. I have begun the think about how to use them in my classroom as soon as I figure out all the ins and outs.

  3. ePortfolio's are a good way to have students keep a record of their growth and work over a period of time. They can look back and see how they have progressed over the years they have been in school.


Sand Angel by Natalie