Thursday, February 17, 2011

Copy right laws now that certainly was not a light hearted read for many of us.

As a teacher in Texas, we must be proactive and teach our students right from wrong especially with copy right laws regarding types of publications, movies, internet, books, articles and so forth.  Students are always told not to copy but when online it may feel as if it isn’t copying but just using what is out in free space.  Utilizing the various websites with the copy right laws was very informative to me and would be very beneficially to educating a class.  No one wants to work hard and have someone accept/take the credit, simply said but it would make sense to many students.  Exploring the internet with students and working on how to cite online information is a great way to teach students.   Hands on, active approach is an important teaching method especially when working online, with just a click of a mouse information changes before our eyes but the laws will remain.
Online safety is making sure there are certain safety guidelines that you want students to use.  Students should not access sites that are restricted to over 18, they should not give out personal information such as their full name, school name, address or even their town.  If someone contacts them and makes them feel uncomfortable with questions about where they live and/or likes, asking too much personal information than they should alert their teacher, parents or another responsible adult.   Cyberbullying is bullying but using technology such as the internet, cell phones and email.  This can be when someone posts comments on a social network which can be humiliating, embarrassing and upsetting to another; cyberbullying is not easily taken back.  Once on the web it is out there for all to see.  If someone is being cyberbullied it is best to not acknowledge nor respond to the bullying but to report it.  As a teacher, we must be aware of our students and monitor while they are on the computers at school but also listen to what they are talking about.  Sometimes it is the lack of conversation that can speak loudest to us; sometimes it is when those who use to speak no longer do that can be a warning that something isn’t quite right. 
There is a lot of great information out there online.  As I opened up each website, I found myself connecting to another link or searching for additional information building off of what I was initially given.  I will keep these new websites about copy right laws saved for future use.  The Nets Smart Website I will be using with my current job.  There were some great tips that I will be passing onto my families as well as some of my coworkers to use in their programs.  Bullying has become a very serious problem and Cyberbullying is worse because it isn’t just a few people that see you being bullied it is a snowball effect which can destroy a young person’s self esteem in just a few minutes. 


  1. Copyright United States Copyright Office. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2011, from The Library of Congress:

    National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. (n.d.). Retrieved February 16, 2011, from Nets Smartz Workshop:

    Bullying UK. (n.d.). Retrieved February 15, 2011, from Park of the Family LIfes Group:

  2. It is so easy to find information on the internet and copy pieces of the information and put it as information that they created. It is our job as teachers to make sure our students know that any typr of copying without citation is not right.

    I found this weeks activities very usful, I will be keeping all this information for future use as well.

  3. I really like what you said how about our students may not understand that copying things off the internet is wrong since it out in free space. We need to make them realize it is illegal and not a good thing to do. That is someone else's work that they are taking and claiming as their own. Cyberbullying is becoming a big issue and these websites did provide a lot of good information and approaches to take on the situation.

  4. You are exactly right about being "Proactive!" Students need their teachers to be supporting and informative, therefore we must be on top of our game and understand technology well enough to protect our students and ourselves. The internet is like another world that needs to be explored with caution and knowledge.

  5. I agree with your statement about bullying having a snowball effect and that everyone can see it. You are completely correct. Middle and high school are a time to create memories that are filled with friends that many students will have for a lifetime. However, there are a few that will struggle to just make it through middle or high school. High school can be a very tough place and add to that the freedom of the internet and it is no wonder that we have teens committing suicide over cyber bullying. As teachers, we must ensure that our students are aware of the dangers of cyber bullying and how it can negatively affect other students. I must admit that I remember students who were bullied in high school. This assignment did make me reflect of where they are now...


Sand Angel by Natalie