Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Meaningful Learning

A technology based rubrics is a great way to look at how a rubrics is broken down and a teacher can change out some of the areas to validate the lesson they have assigned.  Using the rubrics has been very beneficial in most of my classes.  The rubrics allow the student to understand their grade for each assignment.  There is no mistaking how a student is graded; look over what work needed to be completed, how much the student had done and there is the score.  Most likely, I will be using it in some way or another but it will depend on if I am teaching in a classroom, resource room, life skills room/setting or sharing a class as the special education teacher.
Now the clicker assessment tools are an amazing fun, interactive way to teach students.  The instant feedback is great for students to reaffirm they understand the lesson.  Using the handheld device either one-on-one or in a group setting, introduces students not only to technology but they can ask for assistance discreetly and work at their own pace.  This is something I would enjoy using in the classroom with students.  The flexibility it gives students as well as the instant right/wrong answers can help builds confidence for a student to ask for assistance and/or share their accomplishments right away.
There have been so many times I have had to brainstorm or build off of a subject or idea, the Inspiration/Kinspiration software is a great way for students to map out their ideas using the computer.  The Kidspiration of course is great for younger grades and makes learning fun.  Any time students can “play” on the computer they will want to and when using the Kidspiration software, learning is fun and lessons can be played out as games.  With older students, Inspiration software takes the pressure off of mapping out idea/subjects.  It assists students with creating an easy way to input ideas in which can create an outline and essentially a report, project, presentation or other lesson/activity.  I hope to be able to use this software when I am teaching.  If I am working in a life skills setting, this software will be fantastic.  The lesson plan can start off with point “A” and the student can build off of point “A” with a variety of choices and still build from there.  This software is also very beneficial to visual learners.

Inspiration Software, Inc. (2011). Retrieved April 19, 2011, from Inspriation Softward, Inc.: http://www.inspiration.com
Quizdom, Inc. (2011). Retrieved April 17, 2011, from Quizdom, Inc: http://www.quizdom.com/
Rubric, Rubrics, What is a Rubric? (2011). Retrieved April 17, 2011, from CivilPass: http://www.rubrician.com


  1. I liked your thoughts on Inspiration/Kidspirations. I could not see on my own how it would be helpful but you came up with some good ideas that I had not thought of. Using this in a life skills classroom would just be wonderful for the students.

  2. I enjoyed reading your articles on Kidspiration and Rubrics. I do like how you said that the rubrics will aide your students in knowing exactly what to expect and what grade they are wanting to reach for.


Sand Angel by Natalie